Pediatric Cancer Support and Resources in Nebraska: A Comprehensive Guide for Families

Pediatric Cancer Support and Resources in Nebraska: A Comprehensive Guide for Families

When a child is diagnosed with cancer, it can be an overwhelming and terrifying experience for the entire family. Having access to the right resources and support networks is crucial during this difficult journey. In Nebraska, there are numerous organizations and initiatives dedicated to providing pediatric cancer support and resources. In this post, we'll highlight a few below, so you can find the assistance you need. Find even more cancer resources throughout the site!

Angels Among Us Angels Among Us is a Nebraska-based non-profit organization that offers financial support to families dealing with pediatric cancer. Understanding the strain that medical bills, travel, and other expenses can put on a family, Angels Among Us steps in to provide assistance and alleviate some of that stress. Their mission is to ensure that families can focus on their child's treatment and recovery, rather than financial concerns.

Bags of Fun Bags of Fun is a unique initiative that brings joy and hope to children with cancer and other long-term illnesses. Each custom-made Bag of Fun is filled with age-appropriate toys, games, and activities to help children cope with the emotional and physical challenges of their treatment. By offering a much-needed distraction, Bags of Fun encourages kids to stay positive and engaged during their hospital stays and recovery periods.

Camp Quality Heartland Camp Quality Heartland is a summer camp designed specifically for children with cancer and their siblings. The camp provides a supportive environment where kids can enjoy traditional camp activities while receiving the necessary medical care. This free, week-long experience allows children to make friends, build self-esteem, and create lasting memories.

Children's Hospital & Medical Center Located in Omaha, the Children's Hospital & Medical Center is home to the only full-service pediatric cancer center in Nebraska. The center's team of experts provides comprehensive, compassionate care tailored to each child's unique needs. Families can find resources such as clinical trials, a pediatric cancer survivorship clinic, and support services like counseling and social work.

Lolo's Angels, Inc. Lolo's Angels, Inc. is a non-profit organization committed to funding pediatric cancer research and providing support to families affected by pediatric cancer. They offer financial assistance for medical expenses, travel, and lodging, as well as emotional support through their mentorship program and online community.

Nebraska Coalition To End Childhood Cancer Nebraska Coalition To End Childhood Cancer exists to raise awareness about childhood cancer, provide support for the patients, families, and medical professionals who are fighting the disease, and ultimately defeat it entirely.

Pediatric Cancer Action Network (PCAN) The Pediatric Cancer Action Network is a volunteer-driven organization that raises funds to support families dealing with pediatric cancer. PCAN provides financial assistance to help with medical bills, travel, and other expenses. They also promote awareness and advocate for improved research and treatment options.

Ronald McDonald House Charities in Omaha The Ronald McDonald House in Omaha provides a comfortable and supportive home-away-from-home for families with children undergoing medical treatment. With a focus on pediatric cancer patients, the facility offers private rooms, home-cooked meals, and a variety of resources to help ease the burden of long hospital stays. By staying close to their loved ones, families can maintain a sense of normalcy and togetherness during a challenging time.

Sammy's Superheroes Sammy's Superheroes is a non-profit organization committed to raising awareness and funding for childhood cancer research. Through various events, campaigns, and partnerships, they aim to empower families battling pediatric cancer and support the development of innovative treatments. By joining the fight against childhood cancer, Sammy's Superheroes seeks to create a brighter future for children and their families.

Team Jack Foundation The Team Jack Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds for pediatric brain cancer research and providing support to families affected by the disease. Through advocacy, events, and financial assistance, the foundation helps families access cutting-edge treatments and resources, while also raising awareness about pediatric brain cancer and the need for more effective therapies.

Pediatric cancer support and resources in Nebraska are available to help families navigate this challenging journey. By connecting with these organizations and utilizing their services, families can find the strength and courage to face each day with hope. Remember, you are not alone, and there is help out there for you and your child.

Find more pediatric cancer support in Nebraska right here in the NCAN website as well as in our app!

NCAN App: Support for Nebraska cancer patients and their loved ones

Support For Nebraska Cancer Patients: Nebraska Cancer Network App